Environmental services provider PreZero started up Europe’s most modern sorting facility for lightweight packaging in Eitting, Bavaria, on 12. January as planned. After a construction period of just under one year, up to 120,000 tons of lightweight packaging from the German yellow bag are processed here for recycling every year.
This also includes lightweight packaging made of aluminium!

Our mission is to recycle this packaging waste and the aluminium it contains for the production of new packaging. In Freiberg, Saxony, we process packaging waste every day, coming from the German yellow bag or the yellow garbage can. Today is a special day, because for the first time lightweight aluminium packaging from the sorting plant in Eitting is finding its way to us.
Packaged in large bales, this material first arrives in our yard and is then prepared for the pyrolysis plant.
The pyrolysis works by means of a thermal process in which organic contamination to the metals are recycled and aluminium can be separated.
The result is our Pyralu, which is used for the production of new packaging, such as hair or deodorant spray cans.
This process not only saves up to 95% energy, but also conserves our resources and the environment. For a functioning circular economy.