
Awareness of the environment is a conscious consideration in all processes. Industry and environment cannot be strictly separated. Therefore, technologies are needed that support both equally: productivity and environmental protection.

PreZero Pyral - The environment and the recovery of resources

The world population is constantly growing, and we all produce waste both directly and indirectly. For example, the amount of materials used to manufacture a car is 10 times greater than its actual final weight and 20-35 tons of CO2 are generated in the process. It takes 160 MJ of energy to produce 1kg of plastic.

Waste reduction is certainly important, but equally relevant is the recovery of resources from waste already generated. PreZero Pyral strives to adhere to this principle and to constantly develop and improve technologies so that we can achieve this goal. The waste represents for us a potential resource and not just something to be disposed of.

Environmental reports

Since 2013, we have been educating the public with our annual environmental report.

Emission analyses

Sustainable and transparent. These are the emissions since January 2016.